A Knowledgeable Loser

What! Yeah, you read it right! A Knowledgeable Loser. Most people think that knowledge is always directly proportional to success and knowledgeable people are winners. Honestly, in some exceptional cases, they are losers. Shall we drive deep into it? In this blog, you are going to witness the concept of a knowledgeable loser. 

Picture 1: Personal Knowledge


A knowledgeable person implies a person of good understanding, knowledge and reasoning power. But the losers from knowledgeable people are coming from the following attributes, 

  • Luck

  • Score

  • Attitude

These three are the reasons behind knowledgeable losers. Let's look at those attributes in detail. 


Hard work gives 95% success, the remaining 5% will be from luck. 

For instance - You take two students from the college, one is a knowledgeable student and the other one is an average-skilled student. After stepping out to college, they both went for an interview. They were shortlisted for the final round. But an average-skilled student got the job. 

How? Here luck played their part. Though the knowledgeable student stands higher in their knowledge compared to another student, they couldn't get the job. Luck arrives from the prayer of an individual and devotion to work. Note, that not all knowledgeable students are losers. Depending on the attributes of the situation, knowledgeable people are also subjected to losers. 

But the knowledgeable student could not drain his positive energy, he will get another job using his knowledge. 


Nowadays, Students are running towards the score, not the goal. That is the main problem. They study to get high scores, not even understanding the concept behind each word. So after finishing school/college with higher grades, they could not survive in society. There, knowledgeable losers emerged. 

They could not get jobs, stay behind the designation of an average-grade student in the office, and could not handle the stress and pressure from peers and relatives.


A bad attitude triggers bad happenings. Overconfident knowledgeable people are the worst losers. They have plenty of confidence in their knowledge and underestimate the opponent. 

For instance - A knowledgeable student in the college at the time of the final year invented a robot that spoke in response to our command. He was overconfident in his invention and went to the project exhibition. He said that he only got first prize and also underestimated others' projects.  But later during the time of the demonstration, his robot could not speak because of a technical issue. There he fails and a knowledgeable loser shows up. 

These three are the attributes to address the knowledgeable loser. 

Picture 2: Personal Knowledge

Knowledge Is Power! 

Many knowledgeable losers are roaming around us. If one knowledgeable person loses today, he will win tomorrow. Always remember, “Knowledge is power”. 

Last but not least, Failure is an event not a person


Abarna Balagurusamy

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